Fairy Dust Plum

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


So I had a crazy dream.

I was with Suzanne and Chelsea and Nathan.
My mom went to the hospital and had a baby.
We were at an indoor ski place. There were some stairs where we could down to watch.
There was this cute guy there and, at one point, I was skiing for him (almost from his perspective, but not).
Then the power went out or something and we were trapped in the area by all these vending machines and none of us had money except for Nathan. I also really wanted to go out to the car and grab my money and flashlight...but couldn't.
Then this guy came up and we played a game where we tried to steal each other's rings. I got his three or four...but we gave them back.

Then I'm walking out with the cute skinny guy but he got hurt*gasp!* He had gotten beat up. He had sort of long blonde hair (it went past his ears) and had blue eyes. He had blood on his shirt so I gently hugged him and he hugged back :) .

And next I'm walking out with Suzanne and Chelsea, and we see a white wolf in the woods. We RUN like heck to the car. It attacks the car as soon I as get in. I might have swore and my mom and Suzanne and Chelsea laughed and made fun of me.

But then I'm driving the car and we have to get to the hotel. It's empty and dark out with three lanes. I tell Suzanne I don't have to do something or go somewhere and she said we could turn earlier then. But we were too late. I missed the turn so I pulled into McDonald's parking lot and turned us around (actually drove around).

And that's where I woke up.

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