Fairy Dust Plum

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Ahhh! What a scary and nice dream! I also had one earlier, but I didn't like it and decided to go back to sleep and forget it. Something to do with a celebration of old people...except some people are evil. And I have to work there or help...or something. Some lady is after me. And I'm not sure if it was the same dream but I was at some cliffs and there was rising water problems and rock falling problems...*shrugs*

So ANYWAYS. My good, scary dream: Vampire Diaries. I was Elena! It was always dark in my dream. Many attacks. I didn't get hurt. :)

I'm scared of the dark because I have no light. No phone, my watch light doesn't work. I don't who I'm walking with (a TVD character...Bonnie?). We're clinging to each other. We were being followed, but not attacked--thank goodness! Something happened....don't remember...
There's one point when I'm scared to get out of this car but Caroline is wandering outside, wondering what building we're supposed to go in. We get out and show her. Then we got attacked, but Stefan and Damon showed up and saved us!!
We were in the this building for some old people celebration. I go up to Damon and realize: I love him. So I say it. "I love you." Then I take his hand in mine. It feels amazing!! So warm, a bit rough, but right. We walk forward then he ruins it and says he only loves me as a friend (which I kinda call bull). We still hold hands. Me being Elena doesn't take the blow (you go girl!). Too enraptured by Damon. And I'm sure I can convince Damon to change his mind.
I don't really remember what happens next, but somehow I decided I wanted to do that part of my dream over again.
So I guess I do. Somewhat.
I'm in this car with Caroline and Bonnie. And we're driving to the celebration place. We're being followed. Then we parked it somewhere and suddenly the windows start fogging up. There's a good vampire in the front seat with us. I locked my door. And it's wrenched open. There's two vampires standing outside my door with lots of tattoos. I scramble to the front just as the good vampire is taken out (I don't know what happened to Caroline and Bonnie). Somehow they disappeared and I was walking with Stefan...but this time I was Katherine! End dream.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I had two dreams.

The first one dealt with me being at some Greek school. I switched between being myself and Casey. Cappie and Rusty were there. We were in class and Casey and Rusty were taking a trip to somewhere and Cappie was wanting to go.
There were animals in the place, too. It's rather fuzzy. Cappie ended up being asked to go. Then, after class, I had to walk out and it was near closing time. I was walking out and then suddenly there was this lionness following me. I freaked, but remained calm on the outside and walked normally pretending it wasn't there because I figured if I started running, it'd get me. The gates were closing and I remember wondering how Cappie was going to get out.

Second dream dealt with my cousins! We were shopping for school stuff. My mom bought a whole bunch of sheets and covers and whatnot and set them up like a store. We went through with shopping carts and picked some out. I really liked a blue one and a red one. Yeah...that's all I remember. Other than Nick getting all excited to see me. :) tehe

Friday, February 11, 2011


This is the second time I have dreamed of this prof and this classroom...cool! It's like a classroom that is sometimes attached to my dorm room. The lamp was broken, too! :(
Um, I remember the teacher joking about wearing a belt and then how a whole bunch of people commented on it online like "I'll be joining you, prof!" and he was like "...okay."
Um, Jesse was in my class and I saw John and Justin, but didn't speak to them. I had to go out and watch through these funky hallways on my left and right and they almost reflected each other. I said I was at NDSU in my dream because Jesse was there I guess.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Poem? WAIT NO! It does not rhyme...?

Can you even hear my heart bouncing with me? A simple cry-out that I want to make my life count, that I fear being left out, forgotten. I speak up for attention, but am rejected, yet you lift me up with the simplest, weakest of compliments. Am I that obsessive and desperate? He's one of the reasons that I am who I am. That some of my tastes are what they are. But I shouldn't change for a guy, no matter how good the changes are. Yet I am incredibly grateful for such changes and I will never be able to thank him without owning up to the fact that I used to be such a little creeper...but weren't we all in 8th grade?
Oddly enough I still can burst with the excitement of a child. I have tons of energy given the right situation.
That name, those eyes lift me higher than the clouds. So near happiness--that which I yearn and strive for--a touch away, but it is a unreality that will never happen. Mainly because of history and a lack of history.
Do you understand?
My face has a warm glow like a new mother. My eyes are excited, wide, and full of wonder, an emotion bursting forth with the intensity of surprise and ecstasy as when you get an A on a difficult test you hadn't studied for. Mixed among other pleasant experiences.
My long forgotten cries rebirth with shame and I sigh, speaking, not in riddles, but what ifs? My childish appreciation has nourished into a full-out heartache that gives me hope for nothing but a glimmer, a wisp, a quick flash like a lightning strike or a shooting star where wishes take flight.
Finally. A connection. Though it remains severed.


Wow!!!! A guy I adore just commented on my status!!!! *surprise, jawdrop* I exist!!

And I just witnessed the...I don't know...something -est commercial ever!! A zebra drank a redbull, then got bloody attacked by an alligator!!!!!!! Then it came out of the water with an alligator skin purse.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hug Vent

So I find it totally unfair when people lash out and you can't lash back. If I were to lash back--believe it's hard not to--then the person would get angry (resulting with two angry people). But the other party--as in not me--would probably hold a grudge against me for lashing out so I can't retaliate. It's absolutely no frickin' fair! Why am I stuck with being the adult here and brushing this thing that's obviously hurtful aside!? I haven't had to do it for a while, but I am sick of getting criticism like this when I try to do good. My intentions are always good! Either good-sprited or good-humored. I want people to be happy or to laugh. Main goals in life (other than God).


I really want some pizza. Pizza Hut pizza to be exact. I'm set on it. For some reason, I'm sick of DS food for the moment...why? No idea...I don't know what I want...

I'm tired...

Monday, January 3, 2011


I don't know where this is coming from, but...I feel so lost right now. So lonely. I want to know that I impact someone. That I matter. Yes, I matter to God, but sometimes I wish he would talk back.
Things just aren't working out.
I think I'm crying out for help. A gesture to not be so...considered an outsider. Or something of the like.
Is it just an off day?
I miss my friends. I'm lonely up here. I'm not sure what I like more: freedom or friends.
Where is my motivation to do homework? It's not around right now because I don't have all that I need. I feel incomplete with my studies.
Wow...I sound so depressed. Because I am. *sighs*
What should I do?
I just want some attention. Is that too much to ask? Apparently.
I'm still somewhat shy.

Jasmine has been perking up on the upside.

And now I'm down again.
I don't want to be another voice lost in the crowd. One that people ignore. When people listen to me in groups and laugh at my jokes or comments, I'm still amazed (and extremely happy).
I feel like I sometimes put on a show for people. Whenever I'm down (like right now) and people come by, I seem to cheer up. I want to make them happy. For them to think I'm a happy person who makes them happy therefore they want to hang out with me more. Am I trying too hard? But that's how I've survived my whole life. Or am I not trying hard enough?
I need help.
I like my old friends. I'm good at making acquaintances, but this...this is difficult. Everyone talks about who they meet and hang out with, well, I have...here I have...I don't have.

Sighs...well...maybe remedy might cheer me up...in an hour...