Fairy Dust Plum

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I had two dreams.

The first one dealt with me being at some Greek school. I switched between being myself and Casey. Cappie and Rusty were there. We were in class and Casey and Rusty were taking a trip to somewhere and Cappie was wanting to go.
There were animals in the place, too. It's rather fuzzy. Cappie ended up being asked to go. Then, after class, I had to walk out and it was near closing time. I was walking out and then suddenly there was this lionness following me. I freaked, but remained calm on the outside and walked normally pretending it wasn't there because I figured if I started running, it'd get me. The gates were closing and I remember wondering how Cappie was going to get out.

Second dream dealt with my cousins! We were shopping for school stuff. My mom bought a whole bunch of sheets and covers and whatnot and set them up like a store. We went through with shopping carts and picked some out. I really liked a blue one and a red one. Yeah...that's all I remember. Other than Nick getting all excited to see me. :) tehe

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