Fairy Dust Plum

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Vampire Diaires: By the Light of the Moon

I was deeply saddened by lack of Damon/Elena interaction.
I often yelled at Caroline for sticking around and being stupid when she could have gotten bitten. Like Rose.
I was SO glad Rose got bitten and not Damon. Though Damon getting bitten is still being foreshadowed. Though Damon needs more friends, I don't think he needs to get physical with Rose. How can he be in love with Elena and still do all these other girls. Unless it's just lust for him. But still...*sad face*
Haha someone sooo called that Elena was getting trapped in her house. What's she going to do about school?
Oh! Also liked Damon's line about how Elena should get some sun, then Elena pushed Jeremey off of her. :D Made me laugh...then Elena threw the pillow at Damon.
When she was trapped, I think the writers could've had Damon take more advantage of the situation. Stupid Jules. Stupid Alaric for calling him!! Though it's sweet Alaric and Jenna are together :) .
I FREAKED out when Elijah appeared in Elena's house. But by the time they were in the room, I was shouting "I love you, Elijah!!" He is so hot and nice!!!! And very charming and such a gentleman *sigh*
I had an inkling that Luca was bad...but since his dad is working for Elijah...doesn't that make him good?
As for Caroline and Tyler: I thought it was EXTREMELY sweet how Caroline cared for Tyler. I felt TERRIBLE for Tyler...Boys crying...and him being like that...um...yeah...
I kind of felt bad for Katherine.
Also I'm sad that Katherine and Stefan didn't get it on...or off *wink* I should say...curse Stefan's self-control...

Dinner For One

I just finished watching the movie Dinner For One for my German 112 course.

I'm confused about the point of the show. I understood the plot, but why?

My favorite part was when James was trying to pour wine for the second guest and pounced and basically threw the wine. And when he was drinking after that. I liked it when he jumped over the tiger's head.

So...does Sophie know all her friends are dead yet still has James impersonate them?

At first I was not amused by James tripping constantly, but it was unexpected whenever he didn't trip. Oh! Also when he had to click his heels was not funny...that is, until he missed! lol And James' facial expressions were funny and some of his movements were awkward.

Overall it was just good.