Fairy Dust Plum

Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Hello? Hello?"

English is definitely my calling. It all started in Global Lit when we were talking about the Plot triangle thing (you know, Exposition, initial conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, denouement) and I got totally excited. :)

I haven't read much of C.S. Lewis, but from what I've heard, I want to achieve the same amount of success and use his ideas for my writing. True, I am not currently writing any stories, but I've been getting some unique ideas. I love my adventure and fantasy stories, no doubt there, but when I write, I think it'd be incredibly neat to sneak in some Biblical references and themes.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thursdays TVD

Hello all.

I am utterly, extremely, immensely, seriously broken and depressed and pummeled and upset due to last night's premiere episode of The Vampire Diaries: The Return.

I--like many others---have been waiting months for "The Return" of this fantastic, addicting series. I've been reading forums, reading and writing fanfics, and searching YouTube for any new webclips or commercials.

ETA: I failed to write during my first viewing because I was just so impatient to watch the bloody show (no pun intended). Let's just say that I yelled at my computer screen often and cried at the end (but was unable to sob too hardcore because my roommate was in the room for the last fifteen minutes of the show). I felt defeated and empty and shocked when I went to bed. I couldn't believe what had happened. My TVD foundation was shaken.
ETA: I am doing well now except for going insane due to lack of Damon/Elena interaction.